Real Estate Signs that Sell
Let’s face it, real estate signs are just as important to an agent as business cards, head shots and MLS access…they are all necessary for success! Realistically speaking, real estate signs do most of the work. Well-designed signs with the right information strategically placed can be one of the most effective lead generators of phone calls and emails from prospective clients.
It’s imperative to put some thought into the design and production of real estate signage. From concept to creation, we’re dishing up the goods on real estate signs that sell!
Here are 5 tips to creating top-producing signage:
- Begin with the end in mind. What would you like your signs to do for you? You may be thinking, “generate leads, duh.” Yes, but give it some thought. Do you want a simple, affordable sign that encourages prospects to call? Or, are you looking to impress prospects, to position yourself as an industry leader? You want effective signage that accomplishes your goals – so get clear on your intent from the very beginning.
- Determine the messaging. Decide up front what message you want your real estate signs to convey. Would you prefer prospects to call or email you for a detailed report on the listing? Would you like them to visit the website for a video and more info? Join your community? Would you like them to set an appointment for a walk-through? Be clear. Don’t just put your contact information on your signs, tell your prospects what action you want them to take!
- Brand it. If you’ve been an agent for any length of time, you’ve probably already created a brand. The look, feel, and intent of your sign should match the look, feel, and intent of your business cards, website, social media profiles, etc. Make sure the colors, images, photographs, and messages are the same (or at least similar) across the board. This helps you to achieve brand recognition. Consistency is key!
- Invest in the artwork. Unless you do double duty as a graphic designer, don’t DIY your design! Work with a trained professional – that way you are sure of the quality of the graphics. Nothing speaks “unprofessional” like signs with blurry graphics, disproportionate letters and spacing, illegible fonts, fonts that don’t pair well, and poor quality headshots. Put your best sign forward – make sure your design is attractive, functional, professional, and again, branded.
- Opt for the extras! If you are going to do it, do it BIG! Well, not really big – because any of the standard real estate sign sizes will work – but big creativity. If you have had info sheets, brochures or rack cards designed, then add an info box to your signage. Or, better yet, add QR codes for customers to be able to download that information digitally. How about a rider – a creative one that reads something like, “Text MY HOUSE to 45678”? Would adding a reflective laminate for higher visibility at night be beneficial? Don’t just have real estate signs, use them…put them to work for you!
The signs that work best are the signs that are purposeful, strategically designed, and well placed. Put lots of thought and planning into your signs before you have them made – like all signage, real estate signs are “silent salesmen” that work for you 24 hours per day. Make sure they are real estate signs that sell!