Designing Retail Signs that Attract Motivated Buyers
Wondering how to get interested passersby into your store? Or, better yet, how to get the customers already in the store over to the checkout line? Use effective signage! Instead of using pre-printed, templated signs, carefully and strategically dot your retail store with signs that speak directly to your ideal customers.
Here’s how to design a retail sign that attracts motivated buyers:
- Create a message that resonates. Say what your prospects need to hear. Whether you do it vocally or with signage, it works every time! For example, a clothing boutique that targets women, particularly moms, could, in addition to the 20% off sign, try a sign that reads, “Treat Yourself!” A home improvement store that targets “do-it-yourselfers” could post a sign that reads, “Of course you can do it!” DIYers always like a challenge. The idea here is to simply silence the “I don’t know if…” objection. If you could get them nodding in agreement, you can get them walking toward the checkout counter.
- Size it right. For targeted retail signage with maximum effectiveness, stick with a square shape and limit your signs to 3-4 lines of text. Although there are no hard and fast rules, the standard size for effective indoor retail signs is 18”x24”, but smaller 24”x12” vertical table and rack toppers are quite functional, as well. And, when it comes to sizing the lettering, the 1:10 ratio is a great rule of thumb – 1” letters for every 10’ of visibility. So, 3” lettering is highly visible from 30’. The goal is for sign and message to be the perfect size, so they can be clearly seen and read with just a quick glance.
- Make the text “pop.” Color is just as important as the message and sizing. You can have a powerful message sized perfectly, but if the colors are off, the sign won’t even be seen. Make sure you use bold colors that command attention! People are accustomed to stopping for red (think red light, red stop sign), so it’s customary to see prospects stop to read signs with red backgrounds. Blues and greens are calming and soothing; they’ll put your prospects at ease, which is great for making purchasing decisions. Orange stimulates excitement and positivity – which makes for a great buying environment. Keep these colors in mind as you design! And, to make the text “pop” on your signs, contrast the color of the letters with the background. In other words, use a darker background with lighter color lettering, or vice versa – it significantly increases readability.
- Add the “perfect” image. Did you know that using photos actually creates a 300% greater recall than not using them? Yes! So, include graphics, and be deliberate when you do. Select photos that resonate with the market you cater to – if you target male fitness enthusiasts, use a graphic of a male trainer. Baby boomers, ethnic niches, teenagers, professionals, moms – use graphics that best resemble who you want to convert. That “they’re just like me” feeling stimulates sales!
- Make the sign the focal point of the space. Once you’ve got the right size and design, it does a disservice to put the sign where it can’t be seen or where there is little traffic! Don’t look for a clear space to put your sign, create the perfect space for it. You want the sign to be the focal point of the space so it can do its job in attracting onlookers. Strategically place the sign where you want the most conversion – perhaps, atop a circular rack, on the wall in the fitting room, or right behind the checkout. Put your signage at eye level with no other distractions around it and let the sign work for you!
A few key signs, purposefully designed and tactically placed, can help convert browsers into buyers in your boutique. Don’t just opt for the basic retail signs templates, take the time to create custom signage that will deeply resonate with your clientele. Put them in the right mindset, and they will be delighted to shop with you!